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Eliza and Her Monsters (At least, it was supposed to be ...)

Welp, I failed. I tried to post frequently. And I did! Until we actually got over to Japan. But heyyyy, now at least we're settled? You know, I'm the only one falling apart, but that's besides the point. I couldn't finish the Raven Boys, and I can't reread Eliza and her Monsters so soon. I'll ruin it if I do. I'll be posting some things about what I've done as soon as I get my pictures back.

So the consolation prize is: I'm offering my review on the new Wings of Fire book! If you have read the book and want to see my spoilery version, you can read it here on Goodreads. Heh. But I can promise a review of the Raven Boys? Maybe. GAAAHHHH. That book sucked, and I just can't understand all of the hype.

Actual rating: 3.5 stars.

I wish I had liked this more. The problem was, I had read all of the other books so often searching for what was coming that I already knew. My heart didn't start pounding until the third part. So yeah. Missed out on a lot of feels because I didn't want my heart to be ripped out. Maybe I actually did. Then I might have liked it more. And it didn't help that the beginning mostly repeated what had happened in the last book, just in a different place and from a different POV.

I love Qibli. I thought he was more insecure, but he seems to be the only one of the dragonets in this section of the series who has conquered his fears in his own book. Except maybe Turtle. But I think he's just going to stay floppy forever.

I love how Qibli struggled with wanting to become an animus, and how he was frustrated with others having that power and misusing it, according to his mind. Surprisingly, becoming an animus was one of his biggest dreams. Excepting Moon, of course. I don't like how Tui hinted at him and Winter maybe being gay throughout the series just to say no. She's playing a dangerous game and trying to keep both parties happy. And then there's the fact that it wouldn't have worked at all, mostly because Winter is just ... the opposite of gay, really. He's such a conservative character who wouldn't make that choice. It's like how Moon comments that he wouldn't assassinate Glory; he'd challenge her in the open. It's just ... his style.

I seriously thought at first that Qibli was Palm's son. However, as soon as Onyx came in I realized I had been dumb, Onyx had actually talked about traveling around with her mother! It would have been awesome if Qibli had been Palm's son and if she had given him to Cobra to take care of in secret, probably paying her for his care. It would have explained a lot about his crazy family life. Except it didn't. Dang. THAT WASN'T A SPOILER. It literally all happens in the prologue.

How they defeated Darkstalker was ... amazing. I loved that ending more than any ending I had thought up. Non-violent, but effective. So, so effective. (I wish it had been violent though. Where did all of my light gore in these books go?) The epilogue was really creative and wrapped up all of the loose ends, even with the ships. Though I wish it hadn't. Everything was wrapped up too nicely all except for that last part. BTW, the series is continuing. Some other person on Goodreads said it wasn't, but they didn't read the end very well. We're getting a graphic novel AND a new section.

But the epilogue. MY OTP SANK. AND NOW I HAVE TO GO TO JASSIAN AS AN OTP? Not. Fair. (Though Cassian is super cute ...) All of my ships sank, literally! Except for Glorybringer, but that doesn't count.

It was a decent book, but not quite up to the same snuff as previous ones in the series. I'm mostly just upset that my ships all drowned in horrid misery.

Follow me somewhere. I don't know. I'm just trying to reconstruct my life on so many levels.

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